Psychics – Knowledge of the further
Either one claims
himself or herself as a psychic medium, spiritual
medium, instinctive medium, or other similar name; it is all actually the same
thing- making contact with spirits in the afterlife. These actually are people
who can make contact with the people in spirit. They are known as “medium” or “psychic medium“. These are also that kind of people who can
sense anybody’s energy, such as feelings or Universal energy. They are known as
psychics or “intuitions”. They actually help people achieve
directions of their life and clarity.
Whereas mediums
usually keeps their focus on making contact with spirits or spirits guides. Mediums
usually receive directions from the different realms in different ways. Sometimes
a medium may hear original sound messages, in which images and words actually
appears as original images of these information. During a psychics process, a medium may be the process by which directives
are told to the guests at the event. While some mediums may enter into an
unconscious state, others may stay completely awake and fully clear while
drawing information.
This is a very
important message which should be kept in mind always that many people who are
not well taught about the method can sometimes also receive messages. One
should know very well the purpose or rather actual purpose of being a medium,
like Deriving information, verifiable or otherwise, causing supernatural
activities to occur, conveying forth typical activities, individual manifestation
for certain objectives.
The physical senses
are only physical/material expressions of spiritual senses. This means that
behind our physical eyes there are some spiritual eyes too. Then there are
spiritual ears too behind our physical ears. A medium is able to rely on the
very detailed workings of these spiritual senses and interpret the information
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